Last night we completed a Rolling Roadshow that we've been wanting to execute for a long time. We screened Rocky I, II and III on the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The steps themselves play a huge role in all three of the films and are practically hallowed ground for most residents of Philadelphia. The steps mark the emotional turning point in all three films serving as a metaphor for both Rocky's personal challenges and accomplishments. Watching the films back to back to back while seated on those very steps was a nearly spiritual experience for Rocky Fans.
4000+ Rocky fans showed up for the experience last night, and before the film director and star Sylvester Stallone had a pre-recorded message for the city of Philadelphia. Ain't It Cool News head honcho Harry Knowles is friends with Stallone and asked him to film a special message for the fans about the steps, their origin in the script and what this hallowed spot means to him.
Above you will find this special message. You can also check out the Rolling Roadshow flickr page for photos from the event including highlights from the on-site meat punching. That's right, not only could Rocky fans run up the steps and pump their arms in victory before watching Rocky I, II and III, but once you made it to the top of the steps, we had sparring gloves and a side of beef straight from an authentic Philadelphia Italian market butcher hanging on a chain from an engine hoist. Fans young and old were lined up at the beef all night long for some punching time with Rocky's unique fleshy sparring partner.
For more information on the 2010 "We Are All Workers" Rolling Roadshow Tour, check out the official website.